Friday, November 6, 2009

An Emerging Artist

Dorothea Sarteschi is emerging as an artist in the Harrisburg area. After she had her twin sons safely off to college she began painting in ernest and picks up her paint brush almost every day. She has been inspired by the paintings of Kandinsky, Picasso and Chagall and you can catch glimpses of their colors, brushstrokes and themes in her paintings.

Here in "Domesticated Woman" she speaks of the happiness found in that life. The woman's hand lovingly holds the two babies growing in her womb. She is entirely at peace with her life and herself. Can you see the 3 utensils that dangle from what looks like a marionette wire? Yes, she is the force that controls what may be called a domesticated life - she brings it to life by her careful and caring manipulation of her surroundings. She reclines comfortably on a chair in a brightly colored room - obviously a domesticated woman with good taste! I can imagine the other people living in this home to be perfectly at peace in the surroundings that she has so lovingly arranged.

Dorothea's point of view speaks to the symbolism that she creates in all of her paintings. Look for her work to be shown at Gallery Blu sometime in 2010. We anxiously await her show.


  1. Emerging artist midwifery. I for one am grateful. I am sure Dorothea is, as well. Thank you Christina for all you do.

    As I witness the birthing of your soul self - I see more clearly that which I am.

  2. I love Dorothea's playful colors and appreciate the inspiration that has guided her work.
    I look forward to seeing more paintings by this artist.
